The purpose of this site is to bring awareness on how easy it is to overdose Oxycontin(Oxy's) it's other ABUSE dangers and the dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse
   in the memory of Eddie Bisch.
RAPP - Relatives Against Purdue Pharma
 Currently oxycontin is approved for moderate-severe pain. The sad truth is too many people are faking moderate pain and selling the pills on the street. After all we would NOT have these OXY related death's if the kids were not able to buy oxy on the street. Also so many death's and addiction happen to people who NEVER should of been prescribed it in the first place.  We need oxy reclassified to it's original use which is CANCER and SEVERE pain.
Relatives Against Purdue Pharma

Dedicated To All The Victims Of The Prescription Drug Oxycontin

Q: What is RAPP?
A: Relatives Against Purdue Pharma, is a group of dedicated family members, friends and concerned citizens, committed to changing current Government and FDA guidelines concerning the powerful prescription narcotic, Oxycontin. RAAP conducts peaceful protests, nationwide, in an effort to have this dangerous drug more closely regulated and returned to the medical purpose of it�s development and manufacture � administration to cancer patients and patients with severe chronic pain. To help stop this epidemic please email [email protected]

Q. Why do you blame Purdue Pharma for the OXYCONTIN epidemic?

A.  The trail of addiction and death due to the Oxycontin epidemic was fueled by the over prescribing and easy street access to this powerful narcotic.  Instead of acknowledging the problem, Purdue denied it, as they aggressively marketed this powerful narcotic to general practitioners for moderate pain.  They downplayed the risks and exaggerated the benefits; however, they were not selling widgets, but a powerful drug that almost always causes addiction that often leads to death. 

Here are just a few of the many examples of their corporate greed, which have been documented in newspapers, magazines, television, and the book, Painkiller, by New York Times journalist, Barry Meier:     

  • Sales representatives for Purdue Pharma have come forward to reveal the aggressive marketing practices that Purdue trained them to use. They reported the tactic of "targeting general practitioners,� advising them that less than 1% of patients get addicted and that OxyContin is less likely to be abused.  One representative for Purdue Pharma claims to have been fired for refusing to deal with �PILL MILL� doctors.
  • Purdue Pharma was aware of the doctors who were writing HUGE numbers of prescriptions for OxyContin, but never once offered this data to law enforcement, even after they received a large number of death reports resulting from over prescribed OxyContin.
  • In the year, 2001, Purdue Pharma spent two hundred million dollars in advertising to promote OxyContin, even after they had knowledge of the hundreds of addiction and death reports.
  • "The former Acting Director of FDA Review Division", was the lead actor and prime mover to get OxyContin pushed through FDA approval. After retiring from the FDA he was given a job by Purdue Pharma. 
  • Many of the death reports are from relatives and the addiction reports from patients, many of whom should never have been prescribed OxyContin.
  • Purdue Pharma reported they were shocked that people were crushing OxyContin in spite of the proof that Purdue Pharma was warned that this had also happened to another one of their time-released drugs, MS Contin.
  • A Clinical Researcher employed by Purdue Pharma alleges in a lawsuit filed against the pharmaceutical company that he had informed Purdue management of a flaw in the design of the drug�s time-released coating.  In addition, this employee claims that he was advised to not alert Purdue Pharma�s in-house drug regulators of this flaw, including the government.  Shortly thereafter, this employee�s job was terminated.
  • Purdue Pharma approached the FDA for OxyContin�s approval, claiming that their �research� revealed that less than 1% of those who used the drug would become addicted; however, recent media reports refute that claim, contending that Purdue Pharma had evidence that the addiction rate would be much higher.
  • Many elected officials, along with law enforcement who once fought the OxyContin epidemic, have been hired by Purdue Pharma and, now, as paid employees of the company, tout OxyContin�s �safety and effectiveness.�
  • �Cutting a deal� with Florida�s former State Attorney General, Bob Butterworth, on his last day in office, included Mr. Butterworth accepting a two million dollar donation for a prescription monitoring program to be engineered by one of his closest friends who Purdue Pharma had hired as a lobbyist, under the terms that the state would drop its investigation into Purdue Pharma�s marketing practices.
  • The FDA produced warning letters to Purdue Pharma, addressing their �false and misleading� advertising in magazines and promotional materials.
  • A New York Federal Judge recently ruled that  Purdue Pharma misled government officials to prevent other companies from marketing a generic form of OxyContin.
  • Purdue Pharma is now attempting to get approved a time-released Dilauded pain killer to treat moderate pain called Palladone, and it is reportedly ten times stronger than OxyContin.

Many more examples of Purdue Pharma's corporate greed, can be found at   Please read the Guestbook, then see the Updated News Stories on this website.  Read the many heartbreaking stories from victims on the Memorial page; also, for the complete truth about Purdue Pharma and its painkillers, order the book Pain Killer�.  You will be shocked that these kind of aggressive marketing practices have been allowed to continue for so many years and that so many deaths from one pain killer, OxyContin, has not been addressed sooner.


Q: Who manufactures Oxycontin?

A: Stamford, Connecticut based Purdue Pharma, L.P. Introduced in 1995, Purdue Pharma�s profits from the sales of Oxycontin have increased every year since. In 2002, 7 million prescriptions were written, resulting in a 1.5 billion dollar windfall for Purdue Pharma.

Recently, allegations of a design flaw in Oxycontin�s 12 hour time released coating, false and misleading advertising and aggressive marketing by Purdue Pharma Sales Reps, have made major headlines. These types of allegations, prompted the Florida State Attorney General, Bob Buttersworth, to launch an investigation in to Purdue Pharma�s marketing and sales tactics in that state. The investigation was suddenly dropped, on the Attorney Generals last day in office, after Purdue Pharma pledged 2 million dollars towards a statewide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. RAPP would like to see this investigation reopened as a 2 million dollar donation does not indicate INNOCENCE. These media allegations need to be investigated. Many are still dying.

Faced with hundreds of lawsuits, claiming compensation for Oxycontin injuries and deaths, Purdue Pharma has donated thousands of dollars to communities, in an effort to combat the Oxycontin problem. They defeat that effort by spending millions in advertising. They continue to promote the safety and effectiveness of Oxycontin, while news reports, from all over the country, talk of addiction, injury and death. In 2001 Purdue spent 200 MILLION dollars promoting the painkiller to Doctors.

While mired in the Oxycontin controversy, Purdue Pharma is developing another time released and even stronger narcotic drug, "Palladone". Palladone will reportedly be 10 TIMES STRONGER than Oxycontin. RAPP believes that given the ongoing, nationwide problems with Oxycontin, our Government and the FDA SHOULD NOT ALLOW Palladone�s approval for moderate pain and delay approval until a tamper resistant form of the pill has been developed. History would repeat itself if this mistake were allowed to happen again.

Purdue Pharma CAN and SHOULD do more to fight the Oxycontin problem. Making billions but only spending a small portion to help Law Enforcement fight a problem, is little help. Purdue spends huge amounts on PR and Lawyer retainer fees are 4 million a month.

Oxycontin continues to wreak havoc in our communities. Purdue also has not helped those addicted whether former patients or street users. Richard Blumenthal, the CT Attorney General, called on the company to estimate the percentage of sales to illicit use and allocate that percentage of profits to help those addicted, but nothing was done. Any patient who gets addicted is left on their own. Mr. Blumenthal was also very critical of Purdue for claiming that less than 1% of patients get addicted while he said studies show the addiction rate is closer to 13%. The GUEST BOOK on this website is full of death and addiction stories and MANY are from legitimate patients.

For the full story on Purdue Pharma and the Oxycontin epidemic, buy the book "Pain Killer: The True Story of a Prescription Drug Disaster", by Barry Meier. Ordering information can be found at the top of website.

RAPP   (Relatives Against Purdue Pharma)



See the news story about the protest on the newspage 10/23/03


My name is Kay and I lost my only child, my son Jason Lancing Kelley on June 6, 2003, only four and a half months ago as of 10/03. He was involved in a motorcycle accident 2 1/2 years ago and given the drug OxyContin for non-terminal pain... he became addicted not long after.... The last two years of his life were a horror story of addiction, withdrawal, pharmacy hopping, being over prescribed the drug and so on...... Then he finally lost his battle against this miserable drug when he breathed his last breath.. I lost my life, my love and my heart.

I have taken an active stance against Purdue Pharma... In fact, Thursday, October 23rd we protested the main headquarters in Stamford, CT..... I have the news articles and photos of the coverage..... ..

Let's do this for our kids...
thank you
Kay Kelley-Moretti
Visit my webpage (Jay's Place)


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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

The abuse of prescription drugs represents close to 30% of the overall drug problem in the United States, a close second to only cocaine, according to the DEA.

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.