On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

My ex boyfriend suffers pain from a hip replacement he had a couple years ago. He's 30 right now. He went to the Dr's for cronic pain, they prescribed the devil... oxy-contins. Let me add he was just getting off a herion abuse. The Heroin took me months of tears and sweat, but we made it. Thanks to this new Dr, my b/f was hooked more than ever! He became crazy, overweight, cranky, and VERY sneaky. He began to steal from me and others. It was the worst person he had ever been! I honestly had an easier battle with him on heroin. Right now he's away in prison serving 3 years. I know that his body is extremely sick and he's miserable. I'm very happy! The nightmere is over!
Name:ex oc user not abuser


Type:Chronic Pain Story

well well...where should i begin...about three years ago i went to the family doctor for back pain not just any back pain but alot...i was prescibed vicoprofen 7.5mg tabs for appx a month. the doctor said that i should be feeling better by then but the pain continued. I was then told to go to a pain managment doc...o my what a mistake i would make there. you see these docs are going to give you this med to keep you coming back and that it will guaranteed!!! so now they have a monthly costumer!!! you will be there before time on time every time to get your fix from there on. I was started on oxycontin 20mg tab twice a day with lortab 10 3 time day for breakthrough... hold that thought BREAKTHROUGH????why why why is this such a mircale if it requires breakthrough meds? it not a miracle i know i took it!!! and lots of it. you see the thing is these docs wont tell you is that when you start you are on you way to hell and i meen hell!!! life threatning,life ruining,familydestroying ,forget the world and all around you HELL HELL HELL!!! i know people that have died and i know people abuseing snorting shooting selling and all of the above i am proudly clean now for 8 months now from the terrible hell oxycontin bestowed apon me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you want to see a drug that will fuck up your life look up oxycontin and have a look at the pill just look at it looks harmless dont it ha ha ha ha ah n0ow way is this a god sent miracle it is nothing more than a pill a terrible pill for the living. but great for the DYEING BED RIDDEN PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET OLD FOLKS TERMANILY ILL CANCER PATIENTS ANYONE THAT WIL NO I REPEAT WILL NOT HAVE TO COME OFF IT ALIVE you want to go see what hell on earth is snort it up dumb ass shoot it dumbass give it to people that do not know what it can do to there lives oh and accept it when they give it to you they know everything druggys doctors PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERS all the above dont use common sense and do what your gut says give it a try and welcome to the puppet string that have laid thereselves on you you are now under the wonderful feeling of oxys wow on top aint ya sure you are your on top of the biggest fall you will ever see and guess what you are not going to be the same again when you land and touch down!!!!!!!!! you are the sickest feeling human on earth and ed bisch is right there is no painless way none none none i say it time and time again so that you will read it time again you want to know what rock bottom is you really want to know???? go for it you will be another statistic and posting on this web sight another soul gone out the easy way life is hell at times sure it is unless your asleep aveing the best dream in your life but just like that you wake up and ewww there it is that urning to get that fix I know i am living it every day i wake up i want to take a pill that is just the way it goes when you have been addicted life isnt normal you are not normal ask your wife,husband,kids,family,friends,even your PAIN doctor and see what the survey turns up. yep you guessed it you are not the same person!!!!!!! when you quit this drug you will come down from that mountain you have been on and it is alot harder to fall than climb up that mountain i live in the mountains i live where the mtv story was done i grew up there half the kids i went to school with are hooked on it there are people faceing 20 to life for selling to informants (someone who got caught and shouldnt have a chance to get there sentence reduced)this is the easiest problem to solve in the world STOP GIVING IT TO PATIENTS THAT WILL NOT DIE IN 3-6 MONTHS oh know ive made people mad and there mad because that might not be them and the doc cant give it out for a vacation or car or any other incentives these drug companys give please i live in pain every day and its not fun i also live in hell every day now because i took it. you want help get it you want to die go get it. you will die and die you will from this terrible thing that is called a miracle. if it was a miracle or a superdrug it should not have any withdraw any side affects nothing but a pain free life dont that sound more like a miracle to you it does me eat them up shoot em up snort em up go ahead and you will pay more than money for the pill you will pay with it all the only thing that you have that cant be gotten again your own life. I quit from 3 80s 3 10s and 3 15mg roxicodones a day to nothing and hurt less now than ever and i can function why you may ask because oc wasnt for me and neither is for you think hard about it you really want to die now tomorrow look at your family and say yes, you cant you want to live as anyone else you just dont want to get sick bottom line no ifs ands or buts about it you are keeping what you think is normal going on in your body and you are dieing look around i didnt sleep for almost 2 weeks was three months before i could watch tv and vomited for almost 72 hours not to mention severe diarea for A MONTH my asshole had caluses go ahead and live it up you will regret it if you have the god sent opportunity to do so and are still alive this drug almost killed me and you are next if you start this is no game its not fun playing it and you will not have fun living it pain or no pain your life is going to be whatever the drug says to your mind at the time and you will not have any say so in the matter they latch on the control and they should be banned from the public. before it you writing about your child or husband or family dieng on this sight pull together people think about it want to add a story??? I think not!!! very experienced in this... roger
Name:cindy bare

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

i have a daughter who is trying to get help with her addiction to oxys. this drug should be taken off the market or controlled a little more better then all these kids wouldnt be over dosing on them
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.