On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Type:Abuse Story

i first posted a story in dec. of 2001. the night my life came crashing in on me. i am a mother of two and married and own my own business. back in dec. i knew my husband was into something. i found pills here and there and he would say that they were muscle relaxers, for his back. our life started spinning out of control and finally one sunday in December his connections were not available and he started having w/d's and i thought he was coming down with the flu, he told me about the oxy abuse and it didn't hit me until he left for rehab the next day and i got on this web site just how bad it was going to be. i took him to the ER because we didn't know what else to do with him and they quickly prescribed him a combo of three drugs, the next morning he checked into a rehab, thay told him in order to come home he would have to be off all drugs for 24 hours so he immediatly stoppped taking the newly prescribed drugs and came home saying he was ok. the next month was horrible he could not sleep at all, which made him miserable and within a couple weeks was back taking percs. and within a couple months back on oxcy. something made him think he could handle doing just a little, right?? july 10th i gave him the choice us or the drugs and reluctantly i think, he chose us. this is what we did different, we went to his primary care doctor, he didn't know the dr well but a primary care doctor is more apt to keep tabs on him then some er shift dr.that will never see him again. he has been to his dr. every three days for a month and just the people there telling him how good he looks has to help. he was precribed three druge a motrin 600 for joint pain, a heavy duty antihistimine that knocks him out, and a blood pressure pill that also has a calming effect. he has been taking them for over three weeks now. at first he hated them because the antihist. would make him out of it so he now takes that one at night before bed. one of the hardest things about coming off oxcy. is the lack of sleep. this combo of the three seem to keep him mellow and has gotten him over the withdrawls. his dr. has said that none of these three pills are addictive and that he can stay on them until his life rountines change, i.e the gym, and time under his belt. he is the clearest right now than i have seen him in a year, he joined the gym and has been going he is taking our kids for 4 mile walks. and he for the first time is his life is saying no to all drugs, not just oxcy, but percs, pot, whatever he is offered. he is also seeing a recovering drug-addict counselor once a week for six months. i have to say the biggest change has been the way i'm handling it this time. last time i was so mad at the money spent and the lies told i took it all so personally, this time i am not saying poor me, but that this is bigger than anything either of us have ever dealt with. support is number one, if a get angry he would be more apt. to say to himself, she thinks i'm a loser, i might as well be one. he has got to feel like the life with his family is worth this fight. it's not always easy to be so supportive. also talking openly about it being something he is addicted too. last time he thought it wasn't really his fault because he didn't realize what he was getting into, it wasn't like anything he had randomly used before. this time we both know, for him to get back on it and get to the point of being so out of control, spending hundreds of dollars a week, when he works so hard for that money he is definately addicted. he is also taking St. john's wart for his mood. if you need help you can get it but you have to be honest with doctors, he orig. wanted to do a meth. clinic, all of his doctor's talked him out of it saying it will just be the next thing he gets addicted too.
Name:Tiffany Mello

Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

My younger brother Joe is only 18 years old, and horribly addicted to this home-wrecking drug, OxyContin. I use the term "home-wrecking" because I feel as though our family is being slowly tortured by Joe's addiction. I having loving parents, still happily married and willing to do anything to help my brother. However, his battle is with himself, and being his older sister watching him live each day this way is definetly taking its toll. I know my brother hasn't meant to put my family through this hell, and that is the saddest part about this. From the lies, to the stealing from my parents, right up to the verbally abusive withdrawls to anyone who may not say "the right thing", Joe is a different person now. He is scaring everone who ever cared about him that the real Joe, the person we all love, may not be comming back. Please post this story as a voice in the battle against OxyContin. The more people hear, the more they know, and quite frankly, there is not enough negative publicity about such a devistating drug. Thank You


Type:Abuse Story

In 1998 I was having severe headaches, my doctors diagnosed me with a neurological problem and prescribed me oxycontin. I am a nurse but was unaware of the risks associated with this drug at the time. I started out taking them as prescirbed but this drug snowballs and before I knew it I was chewing them 2 40's at a time. My life changed, I could not work, take care of my family or even function. Everyday for a year, I just sit on the couch all day...My husband would come home and find me sitting there out of it, with slobber running out of my mouth and cigarettes dropped in my lap...Some nights I would have withdrawals and shake all over and scream in agony... One time he came home for lunch and found me on the floor with a knife trying to slit my wrists...Finally, by the grace of God, I went to an outpatient detox, but they only kept me for 8 hours that day, then sent me home. My husband said for 2 days, I talked out of my head, felt bugs crawling under my skin, had seizures and incruciating pain....I can only describe that time as what Hell must be like. I lost many friends, family members and work during all this..I about lost my husband too...These pills are dangerous, and I know people who argue that they have chronic pain and they help them, but look at me! I have chronic pain and oxycontin almost killed me...As a health professional, I know there are other pain controlled substances out there to prescribe patients. I would rather take another analgesic and still have some pain, than take oxycontin and be pain free and then go through what I went through. I feel that the drug needs to be taken off the market....period.
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.