On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Chronic Pain Story

I hope the author of this web site never needs a strong painkiller such as oxycontin. Because if she did she would realize what it feels like to be treated like a criminal. She would realize what it feels like to beg for pain medication. She would quickly learn that the politics surrounding this medication make 90 % of all doctors unwilling to prescribe it. Most Drs. fear the DEA and medical board scrutiny. Many have lost their licenses for trying to treat pain properly. So, to try and advocate stricter control is sheer lunacy. Go to a Dr. today for a pinkiller and you may come out with a script for Ibuprofen. or some other NSAID. Advil, and similar drugs kill 15,000 people/yr. Tylenol causes severe liver damage and a slow death (1 week) if overdosed. Opioids are one of the safest class of prescription drugs when used properly. They cause no tissue damage. The same cannot be said for Ibuprofen which can cause you to bleed to death at normal dosages, and tylenol, which when chronically used, causes kidney damage. I know first hand the politics of pain. I went through two years of testing for chronic abdominal pain. Although the Dr. could not fix my probem, ( I have Crohn's), he was unwilling to treat the pain just because he did not like to prescribe controlled substances. He told this to me point blank. Since he is a good GI doc, I keep seeing him, but I never have again asked him for any painkillers. For pain relief I have been forced to seek a solution on the web. My first web doctor, David Bryson, was very compassionate and did prescribe Norco. (10mg hydrocodone, 365 mg tylenol.) A year later, the DEA and the state medical board got after him and he lost his license. Now I use another web service. Im sure it wont be long before they too are shut down. Lets leave the hysteria behind, and let our Drs. treat patients as they see fit. The addicts will always find a way. There will always be fakers. We the pain patients are 30 million in number. How dare you try to limit the use of a medication for those in severe pain only. Who judges what is severe. Pain that affects my quality of life deserves to be treated in the most effective manner. If oxycontin is the answer, I would like to have it as an option. Kris


Type:Chronic Pain Story

Now that the nation has been continually been fed stories about OxyContin from the media, there should be NO ONE who should be clueless about this drug. To deaths that occur due to abuse of this date, I believe they are due to ignorance of the user and risk. It's time to stop feeling sorry for these people that are abusing this drug and start feeling sorry for people like me, a person with chronic back pain due to an at-work accident, who cannot get this drug because the doctors in my area are afraid to prescribe it. Why? These people that have abused this drug have caused such a media frenzy with this drug that doctors see this news and buy into it. Up until this point, I was given an adequate dose to help me live my life pain free, with the ability to be productive, to pick up my kids, and to just get off the DAMN COUCH. People like me are tired of the sob stories of the abusers being heard, and it is time that the sob stories of legitimate patients like me be heard. Spread the word. people, if you take this drug for fun, you are going to die. If you haven't heard this warning by now, through the media and from wonderful people like the Bisch family, you are living under a rock. David B--on behalf of the Save OxyContin movement
Name:valerie christian

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

On Feb. 6, 2002 my husband, Dirk, was found by our son. He had been given Oxycotin for back pain. He had a hx years ago of morphine addication, but he had been off of it for over 16 years. However, the doctor who gave him the medication knew of his previous addiction. Oxycotin should never be given to anyone with an additive disorder. I am so angry over the system and how iresponsible the medical community is. This drug changes people. Dirk was a loving husband and father who lost all control over his life when he started taking this drug. I grieve, as many of you do, for the person I loved. I can not bring him back. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost someone in such a horrible way. Valerie
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Death's related to OXY
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.