On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Type:Abuse Story

My husband started abusing OC's a year ago. My husband had already been abusing Perc's due to a knee surgery and near death from a staph infection....he was not responding to the powerful antibiotic used to kill staph and underwent two more surgeries because the infection had gotten into his bone. He did recover but had to have a catheter surgically implanted into his artery in his chest fro three months ....I would inject antibiotics into them for three months until his blood was infection free. Needless to say he went through alot. The months that followed his surgery were horrible and because of his poor health he was unable to rehab his leg like he should have the result was chronic knee pain. Long after his Doctor was still prescribing Percoset. I grew concerned and notice his prescriptions were running out earlier and earlier. I called his Doctor to let him know he was abusing and obtaining these pills from friend , the " street " and could he stop prescribing them. They have tried other medicines and still it has come back to the Perc's . One day while he was out of Perc and at a so called "friends house someone hooked him up with OC's. IT HAS BEEN A LIVING HELL EVER SINCE. I started noticing extreme mood swings and violence . He became phsyocally abusive and twice assaulted me in front of our precious little girl. He threw something at me while I was holding her and it cut my head opened she was traumatized and at 2/12 years old was smart enough to say " don't ever hurt my Mommy again . She brought it up for months and has not been very receptive to him since. She won't kiss him , runs from him , snubs him, etc. I told him I was going to leave and he has not been phsyically abusive since. I did not know at the time it was oC's he was taking but I knew he was on something. We both worked for Verizon and due to downsizing both the offices we worked in closed , we had just bought a new home and he was not making any attempts to work, sleeping all day , staying up all night, losing weight, sniffling all the time , nodding off in the middle of talking . He looked like the typical dopehead you see on TV after shooting up. I finally gave him an ultimatum and he admitted to what he had been taking . Oxycontins!!! This was in March , so I sent him to Florida to visit a friend and we had decided he would detox in the hotel rooom by himself where he could be sick and deal with it. This is what he wanted so I supported him and made the arrangements. I urged him to go to rehab but he said this would do it for him. The night he came back he was doing it again. I was crushed. I continued to see this destroy th eman I married. Our marriage is crap now because he has promised me six times this is it no more , crying , telling me he wants to kill himslef, he has gone to therapy , church and still can not kick it. He did mange to land a decent job and lost it after two months because of his tardiness and absenteeism due to his drug abuse. This is a man that was selling Fiberoptics and high tech data products to hospitals and universities making $100,000 a year !! This drug does not discriminate nor profile anybody. We are working upper middle class college educated people with religious upbringings and come from good homes.We now have no savings left due to the cost of his habit and his inability to motivate and find a job never mind keep one. I am waitressing and going to school full time so as to graduate with my BA in May but I am not making enough to support us. In August was the last time he told me " this is it I promise etc etc, I thought this time may be different because he told his Mom and family because he wanted the support. There has been many occasions since then when I suspect he was on it and he has berated me for asking him and I found out this morning he has been doing it all along! I don't know what to do. I have no trust no faith and no respect anymore While I do love the man I do not love who he is right now. I feel bad but am angry and emotionally too tired to deal with this anymore I don't want it in my life. I feel like I am enabling him by notleaving. I have threatened to and don't. I wake up every morning and dread coming down stairs in fear of finding him dead. My husband said he wants to quit but can not he can only get past two days and uses again. I want to leave but because of my daughter I stay . The decision to leave when a child is involved is very difficult, not to mention I really do love him. The other side is I really feel like I am done with this man. I have no more sympathy left , no more understanding , no more compassion they have all been replaced with resentment , anger, confusion, hurt and disgust. I just know that if it continues he will end up like many of the victims on this website dead. Part of me feels that everyone is responsible for their own actions regardless of the drug and if you really want to quit you will. That is what can make rehab successful or not rehab is bottomline no matter how greta the hospital or the treatment if the nindividual does not want it it won't work. I am having a very difficult time rememebring that it is the drug that is driving him and nothing else. Is there any hope ? I am tird and so is he. Bless all of you battling this addiction but know that you are destroying the relationships of those that love you, know that every time you take this or make the wrong choice you are putting us at risk, know that evey time you take a pill you might as well be putting a loaded gun to your head. It is worth the shame , emabrrassmnet , fear and anything you nmay have to go through to beat it or you will end up dead.Let's not leave out the damge it causes to you liver and kidneys . It is pure hell trying to beat it right? Well guess what it is pure hell for the ones that are watching you do it . MANY PEOPLE SAY THAT ADDICTS HAVE NO POWER OVER THE DRUG THE DRUG HAS THE POWER OVER THEM BUT I THIINK THIS IS A DEAFEATIST ATTITUDE AND IF THAT IS THe CASE THEN WHAT LITTLE HOPE WE WOULD HAVE . I think we all have the power over our choices and addiction is a disease no matter what the drug of choice, yes OC's are very hard to kick but so isn't alcohol for an alcoholic or ciggarettes for someone that can not quit. Toughen up and smarten up ! Get a hold of what little self you have and get control of your life. What you are doing addicted to OC's is not living and life is beautiful .You may not be awarded the luxury of breathing if you take another pill . Yes I know noone thinks that will happen to them but reality is that it happens and odds are the longer you do it the greater the risk Overcoming addiciton will give you the strength and drive to accomplish wonderful things like not taking OC's!!!! I am angry and dissapointed, I am ashamed and desperate and I have never even taken the damn pills but I am married to someone that does . I will continue to pray for my husband and all addicts and their families. Have faith in a higher power or you will NEVER get through this !
Name:Marianne Skolek

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

On April 29, 2002 my 6-year old grandson, Brian walked home from the bus stop because his Mommy wasn't there to meet him. He arrived home and found her "sleeping" in bed. He fixed a snack, watched t.v., played and did not want to wake Mommy up because she was being treated for back pain. He crawled into bed with her and fell asleep. The next morning when he couldn't wake Mommy up, he called 911 and said "I think I need your help -- my Mommy's heart stopped beating." Please remember my daughter's name. She was only 29 years old and her name was Jill Carol Skolek. She didn't have to die. She had been prescribed Oxycontin by an arrogant orthopedic surgeon in Phillipsburg, N.J. The drug is manufactured and mis-marketed by a greedy pharmaceutical company in Stamford, Connecticut and prescribed by physicians who are telling patients it is a "miracle" drug and not addictive. I will not be quiet. I am testifying in front of the U.S. Senate in 2003 and have requested to testify to the U.S. House of Representatives. This drug is killing innocent people and devastating families. It was intended to be marketed for terminally ill cancer patients and when the company realized the potential for making billions of dollars more a year, they mismarketed it to physicians for other ailments. Brian did not deserve to lose his mother at 6 years old and the doctor who caused her to go into respiratory arrest, does not deserve to practice medicine. Please write your political representatives in the Senate and Congress and tell your story. We must be heard and this drug must be controlled. Remember -- her name was Jill Carol Skolek and she deserved to see Brian Patrick Skolek grow up. Thank you - Marianne Skolek.
Name:christine ryan

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

My brother Michael did not "ABUSE" this drug; this whole page is dedicated to people who suposedly "abused" the drug. My brother got a prescription from his doctor for his chronic back pain due to a motorcycle accident he was in several years before until he was PRESCRIBED THIS DRUG never knowing anything about it before until then. jUST STARTED TAKING IT! and two days later he was DEAD! THANK YOU OXYCONTIN FOR KILLING MY BROTHER! WE WERE VERY CLOSE (ONLY 14 MONTHS APART) AND NOW I HAVE NO BROTHER. TELL ME THAT IS ABUSE! ASSHOLES! WHO MADE THIS DRUG I WOULD STILL HAVE A BROTHER IF WAS NOT FOR YOU!
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OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.