On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

The stories I have read hear on this site...well for me it is like walking back into a nightmare. I myself have never known the hell of being addicted, but I lived with an OXY addict for 7 years. I watched my ex husband, go from being one of the sucess stories, prescribed the "miracle" drug for severe debilitating pain, to becomeing an addict of such proportions that in the end, he chased his own 5 year old son, out the front door, with a knife, for shutting off the TV. I battled with him into rehab, 9 times, I begged his doctors to STOP giving it to him, but his medical condition DID warrant the prescription of such a strong drug, so their hands were tied. As for his fate....dead or alive...I don't know...the OXY won, I took my children and ran as far away as possiable, we now hide in fear, that the "MONSTER", that that drug has created, will one day find us. My only prayer, is that God finds him first, and somehow sets him free.

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

I agree that oxy should only be givin to those patients who are in cronic and/or severe pain. My doctor (he's no longer my doctor for this and other reasons) prescribed to me oxycontin as well as muscle relaxers for a neck injury. I had no idea about oxy...I had no idea what I was taking...I simply trusted the doctors judgement. All I can say is...I remember NOTHING about the next 3 days. sure...I was out of pain...limber...relaxed. But I was a stumbling bumbling idiot. I didn't get out of bed for those 3 days, and the fog it left me in after that lasted nearly 2 more days. My mother is a nurse who saw my presription bottle a few months later and was very concerned as to WHY I had been given oxycontin. I reminded her of the neck injury a few months before...and showed her the muscle relaxers I was taking along with it...she nearly hit the floor from shock. she asked me how they made me feel...and I told her about the 3 day blackout...she was shocked that my doc would prescribe such a drug in such a large dosage for such a small problem. She also informed me at that time that oxy was becoming a very popular street drug...with pills going as high as 25$ each. I was in shock. So yes...I've had my experience with oxy...not a pleasant one mind you...and again it is my personal opinion that oxy should only be prescribed for those with cronic and/or severe pain. This is NOT a drug to play around with.

Email:Don't need it any more !

Type:Death Story

Hello my name Mike and I want everyone to know my story. It all started when we went out to a party . Since I am only 19 years old and in my last year of college we could't go to the bar . Dan's house it is then we decided. Some one get the beer . After watching a movie we were looking for something else to do . Some one offered us this little pill, OkyContin ?They said it was from Grandma's medicine box. Yeah right! You want me to take your grandma's medicine ? Your kidding ? "O no, it wont hurt!" "Just relax you a little bit", they said Everyone else was taking it and since they had crushed it I knew only a little bit was not gonna hurt . It tasted horrible ,felt horrible, this is not fun . I should have gone to the movies. Dam I am missing Red Dragon Everyone was laying around and out of it . It was getting late and I had School. So tired now , I can't even stay awake. Well let me go to sleep and have some rest for school, I Also have to make a note to my self . Dinner Rsvp for my girlfriend 's Birthday . Didn't take long to fall asleep, But when I woke up It felt like a bad dream I was in this tight outfit all dark around me and my mom was looking at me crying . My Dad was holding my mother and his heart ! What a scary dream ! When I woke up I saw everyone from school , My family was there too. You have all had a dream like this where you feel helpless and naked. I was trying to call over to my Mom and Dad But couldn't speak I guess that stuff messed up my throat. I smiled at my girlfriend and blew her a kiss . She started to cry, But I couldn't comfort Her . Hey there is aunt Susan and uncle Rick! O my god there is grand dad Joe . But wait that can't be? he, he, He's Dead ! I don't understand what am I in the hospital ? I only had one beer and alittle bit of that Stuff. After a while it was dark again and no one is around . Every once in a while my Mother and Father come to visit me . I see my Grand Father Everyday and he seems Happy to see Dad when he comes. Can you tell my Girlfriend I Haven't seen her. I want to give her the ring I was saving for . O and could you also bring my skateboard ?, I haven't used it in a while maybe ,get those new wheels I wanted. Hey why don't you stop by and visit me ? Do you think you have a couple of minutes to say hello ? It's just a short drive to Dulaney Valley cemetary ! Where I will be for the rest of your life ! I Love you Mom and Dad Forever Your Little Mike
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.