On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Type:Death Story

My husband was electrocuted over 3 years ago. As a result he was paralized. Doctors said he would never walk again, but eventually he did, amazing huh, yes it was for all of us. He suffered from spinal injury, and nerve injury. But he did walk again. But when he did start walking again. He suffered chronic pain. He was prescibed Oxy 80 along with other different medication. He passed away in his sleep. Cause of death, cardiac arrest caused by medication. What medication you ask. OXYCONTIN, I am a 26 year old widow with 4 children. We love him and miss him very much. Through all his pain and suffering he was a jewel.
Name:Michelle Lane

Email:[email protected]

Type:Chronic Pain Story

Hi I just want to say.. My heart is with everyone that has lost a love one to Oxycontin.. but I'm one of those people who rely on it for relieve of my sever pain. I came across this site while I was looking up different issues on it.. I'm so glad that someone has taken action and is posting about the warning signs. I've also had friends that took xanex with other drugs includeing oxycontin and has died.. it's not a fair way to go.. nor is it fair to their friends and family.. I just wanted to let you know that I promise to never sell or give my medicine out.. because I know it can start with one person and then have others to stop dangerous situations. I just found out today after 4 back surgeries that I have 3 disk L4 L5 and s1 that has been damaged and I have degenerative disk damage and chronic nerve damage.. this has all been caused from one second of my life when someone pulled out in front of me August 10 1998.. 2 days before I turned 19 years old. It changed my life and ever since then.. I have not been able to wake up in the morning without a constant reminder what happend to me. Without pain medicine esp oxycontin I would not be able to enjoy my 2.5 year old son everyday that I get up.. I would be on total best rest because the pain is so bad.. When I hear about people abusing it.. it makes me mad.. that these people abuse the one right that I have and that's to wake up semi-painfree.. I think one day these people will have my medication taken off the market because it was given to them or they abuse it.. I know that ya'll understand where I'm coming from and being there myself with a few of my friends dying too makes me wanna just tell everyone that "I'm sorry for your pain." We are all in the same boat and I am glad that I have people out there that understand and accept this.. I have a lot of family that are against me taking it but they are the ones that think that I should take nothing and live life.. when my life ends when I stop taking pain medcine.. take care, Michelle Lane

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

I'am a single mother of a 23yr. old son. He is an Herion addict. When he could not get the Herion , he would turn to the Qxy's. Which when the coating is scraped off and then crushed up heated than shot up or snorted it is a Quick herion HIGH. It does have alittle more powerful effect makes the heart beat faster etc. etc. My son has been doing herion for 5 years,or any thing that he could get ahold of also. Then the time came when he got sick with no drug inside { the withdrawl part }. Over to the hospital for detoxing him appx. in the 5 years we were there 15 times no medical insurace etc. When they finally told him to come back the next day he went to 302 himself. This is where he would stay for 3 days to get the meds to keep the pain under controll from the herion withdrawl. He got into trouble by selling excedrin aspirns off as ex's or e's also known as ecstasy. {If i spelled that right}. Now he is on probation. Now I no he is doing herion or something else. I turn him into to probation. They say to me I did not Know we had to drug test him. I reply why do you think he is on probation. So I keep calling them until finally they call him in for a urine test. Well it came up " hot " so off to jail he goes. His probation was threw Harrisburg now my son is a 120 miles away from me. At his hearing he was told they call it a 2nd chance. But 1 hot urine test he would do state time for 3 yrs. Well he comes home, I had a dear friend take him to a clinic in Maryland to see about the Methadone. My son was a good candidate for it. It puts back in the brain what the herion etc took out. Well in the meantime my son comes up missing. I call probation again, and kept calling and kept calling them to have them do a urine test etc. I new I had to keep my son alive now at 22yrs. old. Finally they called him in,well the urine test came up hot again. They let him come home but notified Harrisburg of the test. Harrisburg calls me and tells me to have my son turn himself in. I laughed I thought that was a joke, considering he now knows he going to jail for 3 yrs. I had the clinic in Maryland write my Atty. a letter for the judge to try to get a court order for him to get into this clinic for a year or two, this clinic was in PA.for my son. The judge did not want to hear anything. After 12 days my son hiding out ,he calls me and says mom I want to turn my self in,but I need to tell you one thing I shot up so much to try and overdose to die, but it would not happen. My reply was where are you son, and you did not die CAUSE GOD DOES NOT WANT YOU YET. Well now he is doing 3 yrs. state time in a state prison. Iam very angry at the legal system if they would of been doing there weekly drug testing my son also would not be doing state time. But I had to turn my son in over and over until they finally called him in for a urine test. I get angry when I read the paper and see about the drug problems. This clinic even wrote to the judge and said that he guarentee's a 100% that when my son gets out of prison he will go right back to it. Cause UNFORTUNATELY THE LEGAL SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ADDICTION. How true that its. So what keep taking them to hospitals for the meds for a day or so to ease the pain. The thousands of dollars it cost for my son to keep detoxing etc. Which now the state will pay the tab. Ashamed isn't it. We wonder why medical ins. is so high. And now I can sleep at night knowing my son is still alive and now 340 miles away from me. " Boy I sure miss him and would love to go see him,cause Im all he has in his life and his sister age 14. These oxy's are taking over the herion alot. To easy to get the from the doctors. And get them out on the street to sell. I to know what it is like to have a drug addiction child also to find him on the floor overdosed, but enough time to keep him alive. And the pain and hurt you go threw when they do not have the drug in them how mean they get. All I told myself this is not my son, this is that damn demon. And I will kill the demon before it kills my child. Unless you are a parent with a child on drugs you will never no the pain a parent goes threw. We need to do more to the legal sysrem etc. And to the police , when you turn someone in they say ok or we know that they are selling but we got to catch them. Do you no anyone we can set up to buy from this person. I replyed that is not my job.. I love my son with all my heart and will never turn my back on him. BUT I WILL NOT LET THIS DEMON OF A DRUG TAKE OVER HIS LIFE OR TAKE HIS LIFE. We need to get these OXY'S and HERION off the market and streets. Make these doctors more aware of what the pain is. AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM DO THERE JOB BETTER>>>> A caring and loving Mother.. Thank You for taking the time to read my story. But one more thought just think how many of these kids now have Hepititis C. Very bad disease deadly also. I will put the website on here when I locate it in my files from the clinic in Maryland etc. It is a very good one. Thank You...
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.