On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Name:Carmen Bryan

Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

i need some support. i need to hear from people in my situation so i can feel better,have faith,and become stronger. here is my story... my boyfriend of 3 years(Mat),overdosed on oxycontin and xanax. no one know's how much he took. i hear all these story's about people DIEING on oxy's, or being addicted, but i haven't yet heard of what happened in Mat's situation - which i'll tell you in a minute, and i need to find people in THIS situation to figure out what to do... Mat fell asleep and did not wake up for 2 months - he was in a comma in intensive care. all the dr.'s and nurses said that 95% chance he would not wake up - i was going crazy! he finally DID wake up but his body and mind are not the same. he is living in a nurseing home, is quadroplegic - can't move anything but his arm's alittle bit and his head, his mental mantality is between 12 and 14 year's old - and he is 24! thank God out of all this he remember's everyone he know's and he remember's his past. while he was in a comma he had seizures,tremor's, a slight heart attack, liver and heart failure - it was a nightmare! he does talk, but he can't really have a regular, long conversation that's need's alot of thought or thinking. he want's to live at home, and he is allowed to be discharged, but because of his parent's living condition's he can't. Mat's parent's had to move into a much smaller house because of money problem's (mat uses an electric wheelchair now), his 21 year old brother lives at home and he is addicted to pill's, constantly has bad people over, he has mental problem's,is violent, and alway's causes stress - but the parent's wont kick him out. he doesn't work or do nothing. to make matter's worse, mat's parents - who are actually good,high class people that HAD good job's - but they are dependant on THEIR perscriptions of oxycontins'(out of all thing's!),and tranquilizer's. they seem to be getting worse. they are alway's in bed, totally 'messed up' from the pill's to were they can't even talk correctly. they can't take care of themselves - so how could they mat when i'm not around? and mat just want's to go 'home'. his mom used to be a nurse but hasen't worked in year's because she got on disability, and his dad who had a long term career at NASA (or Kennedy Space Center) doesn't work there anymore for some reason(maybe missing to many day's due to 'the pill's) - so they are low on money when they used to have alot. out of all times they need to be working to get money to build a new house big enough for mat and a live in nurse. i can't depend on them - i feel i'm all alone with mat's situation and i NEED HELP! i feel so alone and hopeless. i want to move mat to a facility more close by me and his friends and family while he wait's for his parent's to get it together (they might be getting a settlement - prob. not though). mat right now is an hour away - and nobody really goes to see him.i need a support group filled with people in my situation. mat was NOT a dirty drug addict. he was the cleanest person in the world actually. when he was in school- for some of the time he had A's, he's a math genious, helped me get my diploma, he was everyone's best friend - you could alway's count on mat - he was so layed back - had not a single enemy. he treated me like gold. never once spoke one nasty word to me- when i would treat him so bad all the time (cause he was 'a nice guy' i guess)- i need to give back now. it's my turn to take care of him. i need advice and guidence and support cause i can't really count on anyone else. thankyou so much - carmen in Florida.


Type:Abuse Story

I've wanted to share my story for a while, to try to get people my age to "wake up" about the dangers of using oxycontin. Right now, I have been clean for 30 days! I thank god every day that I am here to tell my story to you. I am seventeen years old, a female and excelled in school and was involved in extracurricular activities. I was in my 3rd quarter of my senior year and was planning on going to the Bahamas. This has all changed as a direct result of my severe abuse of OCs. I started using two years ago, a friend had the pills, so I bought them. I had heavily experimented with other drugs prior to my introduction to OCs, but never felt dependent on them. For my first year of use, the OCs didn't interfere with my life. Except for a small change in my mood when I didnt have the drug, my family suspected nothing and I was still excelling in school. However the warning signs were there, I couldnt sit in school or function without and OC, but I over looked this. It was this past summer when I began to go down hill. i started to increse my doses, I woud be taking anywhere from a 40 to a 160mgs, if I had the money. I began skipping school, leaving my home for several days at a time, physically abusing my mother, constantly fighting at home, I lost most if not all of my friends, I drained my bank account of 4,500 dollars which I had worked hard for, I stole from my family, and I pawned off anything of value just so I could get high. My friend died of an oxyoverdose, and although I straigtened up for a month or so, I retuned back to my ways despite how shocking his death was. Once I relapsed, I began binging and blacking out from my excessive use. I was sleeping in cars bc i had no where to go. It was not until I was arrested for possesion of 13,000 dollars worth of OCs and accused of armed robbery of a pharm,acy(a crime I didnt even commit), that I woke up. I was put in MCI Framingham, the only wmens jail in massachusetts. I went through detox there and got out on bail five days later. Now, I am awaiting my pre trials. Although I have been acepted to several colleges, I will not be able to attend bc I cannot finish highschool until my court case is over. i have been banned from the school system. I've drained my parents of all there money for my lawyer and still might have to go to jail for 3 to 5 years. I;m just lucky I got arrested. I was pracrticlly in a comma when I was arrested from snorting so many OCs. I was near death. Had I not been caught, I have no doubt in my mind that I would not be with you right now. So please, if your using oxys, get help. You can quit, it is hard I wont lie, but it's better in the long run! your families will support you, I promise, just ask for the help. Thanks for Listening-Bethany RIP M.O'B. 1436 # 3

Email:[email protected]

Type:Chronic Pain Story

I have had 12 surgerys for my back.8 were major and 4 were to help control my pain.I think I have tried about every pill there is,and nothing really works. They might work for awhile but you get used to them and it dosen't take long.I was concerned about taking so many pills and my Dr. wanted to me to try this Morphine pump.The medicine gos right into my spine and the amount you take is 300 times less than you take by mouth.It sounded great. It works pretty good and you don't have the side effects of pills.But like anything else you get used to it and they have to turn it up. I guess what I'm tring to say is nothing really works.even the miracle drug OXY. (for long) I really can't believe that people really deep down believe and feel better for very long.It sure is not worth what it can do to your life or other peoples lifes.Even if you take these drugs for a short time they are hard on you and others.Every drug changes your mood and to your Family members it's like living with a different person.I no as I am now devoriced .I think I new all along that nothing would ever really help but I guess I was really edicted to all of these drugs and would use the excuse that I am just doing what the Dr. told me to do. Knowing they were runing my life and not caring. I wish I could go back in time and change things but I can't. I think there is a big problem with the ease people can get these drugs . I go to a so called pain Dr. The office is allways full standing room only. I've talked with allot of these people and most of them are on hard narcotics. I no for sure at least 80% of the people don't really need narcotics just by the way they act in the few short minutes I have known them. So why can't the Dr. see this ? (could it be the money)We need to start controlling the ease these meds are being given out.I have included my e-mail address so if anyone is thinking about taking narcotic meds to control pain and want to talk to someone who knows about allot of the side effects and really cares I will talk to you.Believe me I do not have enough time to write about all the BAD side effectsof these meds!! ( in my opinion).
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OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.