On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

Today, I found out that my mother is in the hospital in intensive care. he is an oxycontin abuser aswell as many other pills like valum, halcion,and a few more that i'm not sure what they are. Her friend dound her in the closet half naked and unaware of anything that was going on. i've been talking to her about the dangers of these drugs but i guess i just didn't do enough.I'm so scared for her life and i don't know what to do.What can a child do for her mother who is suposssed to be taking care of me. I really hope that this is the end of her abuse. Ihope she comes out of this able to help herself.And i hope that other peoiple reading this who knows someone that has a problem with these drugs gets help for that persone before it's to late and believe me....it doesn't take long, so get help fast.


Type:General Comment

While i understand the concern of this medication about its potential for abuse,an i respect the fact you are trying to get it reclassified,are you also taking steps to ensure those who would benefit from its pain relief wont be left high an dry?Soon other companies will be able to provide needed patients with the generic form of Oxycontin are you going to target them as well?Also one last thing there are no pain medications classified for severe pain only those that are for moderate/severe.Opioid tolerance is another issue that should be considered,some have no choice it's either deal with the pain and take more an more Lortabs or Percocets or be moved up to a higher dosage medication such as Dilaudid or Oxycontin.........................................Ed Bisch: You bring up some good points. With false claims to general practioners that less than 1% of patients get addicted fueled this epidemic. Also the most expensive and misleading marketing campaign of a NARCOTIC DRUG was the cause, Yes oxy will be generic soon so it is more important than ever for TIGHTHER restrictions. No clinical trials have ever shown that oxycontin is anymore effective for pain than mscontin ( a less abuseable drug) also invented by Purdue...What is the difference? MSCONTIN is already generic. If Palladone(time released dilauded) is approved for moderate pain then this disaster will be repeated. Also you want to know who will look out for the PATIENTS.... Well Please note MANY of these death and addiction stories started out as a patient prescribed OXY for ONLY moderate pain.

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

April 2, 2004 my stepson was found dead in his bed by his mother a prescribed user of oxycontin. The tox reports won't be back for 6wks or more. I wonder what they will show? She refused the autopsy. We buried him yesterday, and today I have no longer have the most precious gift my loving stepson, my children no longer have their brother, and my husband is in such agony he has lost his beloved son. Our family had no idea he was taking his mother's medicine. I am sure his friends did though, someone knew and no one cared enough!!! to tell. I did hear today that a girlfriend told his Mom to lock up her drugs that her son was taking them. Lord, I pray for this to not be true. For my anger, as to WHY I HAVE LOST THE CREAM OF THE CROP a 24 year old young man that meant the world to me and our family truly needs an outlet. I LOVE YOU JASON.
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.