On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Name:Sgt. Chris Monarque (USMC)

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

I was prescribed Oxycontin by my physician after i was diagnosed with chronic neuropathic pain. At the time I was a Sergeant in the Marine Corps. They told me that there was nothing else they could do for the pain, and that I'd probably be taking the medication for a long time. I was eventually discharged (honorably) for my injury. As soon as I got home I watched the news and quickly realized how dangerous Oxycontin was. Pharmacys all over the state getting robbed at gun point, teens and party goers overdosing, generally creating a stigma that everyone who took Oxycontin had a drug problem. It wasnt long before I had to hide the fact that I took the pills. Here I was a former U.S. Marine Sergeant patriotic american fantastic husband, and even better son, that now was being looked at the same way one might look at a heroin addict. I was PRESCRIBED this medication, but because of all the stupid people trying to get high i was now ashamed to show my face. It wasnt long after that I decided to do the only thing I could think of. I locked myself in, and tried to quit cold turkey, not the smartest idea (I do NOT reccomend this) but I had to do it. I flushed what I had left and it began. after severe body aches, nausea, shakes, headaches, cold sweats, fever, and insomnia it was 3 weeks before it ended. All thats left now is chronic depression, and insomnia, I admit it almost killed me (honestly) but I was glad to get rid of the stigma. the point that i'm trying to make is that Oxycontin is helpful to those of us with chronic pain, and all these people abusing only makes those who ACTUALLY need it feel like criminals every time they need to get a refill. So please if you read this know that not everyone who takes this medication is a bad person. p.s. I still have horrible pain, but to me the stigma was worse. Sgt. Monarque..............Ed Bisch: No one here looks down on legitimate patients and the FACT is many people who become abusers start as patients to this highly addictive drug. As for others like my SON, this hand grenade of a street drug is widely available for any typical teen to buy on the street or try at a party and DIE. legimate patients have been HURT ...NOT by all the kids who DIED but by a GREEDY COMPANY who has caused more harm than good.

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

I have chronic pain but I agree with all of you purdue is a corrupt company and I believe they jad this in mind when they came out with this drug and I am appauled at how many people like you have suffered because because of abuse and those like me with pain who know suffer do to oxycontin causing hospitals and every doctor to not want to even deal with people with pain and I never had this problem before oxycontin. I am most dsgusted how now the same company who has not taken any responsibility for the pain and suffering they have caused thousands of people like you and me is now telling the FDA and DEA to make sure not to let any company market oxycontin generic like drugs unless they meet there safety standards? What about it is safe? and does anyone notice how now purdue is hurting the pain patients and the poor people on there patient assistance program who once purdue said it was ok for them to take 160mg pills for there cancer but then they pulled them not because they were forced but because they wanted more money and I think it caused more abuse because now the people they were giving 300 160 mg pills now need 600 80 mg pills which I;m su re you smart people know like I do the 80 mg's cost more and by pulling the 160 mg pills purdue got to look like they felt bad for all of us suffering but they did'nt they just wanted more money and to take heat off of there product. Purdue once said people in pain if they made less then 30,000 could take 500 or whatever amount they needed to ease there pain for free through there patient assistance program but now do to there own mis management and not making sure the product was safe have changed there mind and told all poor people who they once said needed there products for cancer and severe paiun that purdue don't care and now more than 360 pills opf any strength no matter what. I question hoiw a comnpany that says there product can help patients but they hurt these same patients by using themn as scape goats when ever they feel it is needed and they donate more to anti pain drug sites to pay people off like damn madd I am lol thank god Ed you know better than to let purdue pay you off like they have others to shut them up.I am so happy I know longer fall for there crap and hgave switched from oxycontin because I am no longer willing to be harrassed for a joke of company when they wonmt stick up for us in pain and guess what I am no longer getting the dirty looks at the drug store when I get the pain medicine I need


Type:General Comment

What is going to be done when others market Oxycontin,ingeneric form?Not only will Perdue Pharma be producing it but other companies as well!.......Ed Bisch:. Yes until they reclassify OXY ..this epidemic will continue to wreak havoc BUT we will never forget how it has gotten so bad to begin with and who was responsible.
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.