On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Chronic Pain Story

My name is Tamra, I was prescribed Oxy for chronic pain after several surgeries gone bad. I had been on Lortab previous years before and the pain got so bad I was sent to the pain clinic and they started me on Oxycontin, "4" 40 mg a day. I thought at first I had found the miracle drug, I didn't have any pain and I could function, or at least I thought so. After a while, my doctor added "3" 5mg Lortab and "3" 15mg Transzene to my daily intake, and at least 2 shots of Demerol a month. I was a mess to say the least. Through all this I thought I was doing fine, it was everyone else not me. I lost all interest in myself, my family, husband, children, grandchildren. I was in a world of confusion and denial. I became extremly depressed and alot of the time I wished I could just die, it would be easier than what I was going through. My children and husband would try to talk to me and tell me I needed to get help and get off the medication. I would get angry and tell them I was just doing as the doctors told me to do. I kept screaming it wasn't my fault the surgeries screwed me up. I fought with everyone that tried to help me, I pushed everyone away that cared about me. I quit taking care of myself, I quit attending family functions and my husband and I fought more than ever. My family, children and friends called less, visited less and before long I quit functioning at all- although I still thought I was doing fine. My relationship with my husband was non-exist, people would call me or I would call them and I made no sense whatsoever. I became someone no one recognized. I secretly hated my life and wished I could stop the drugs but I was scared. My husband feared everyday that I would die in my bed and I wonder to this day how or why I didn't die. This drug slowly took my life and I saw my doctor at least once every two weeks but nothing was said to me. Then one day in August 2004 my daughter came to me crying saying she wanted her mother back, she said if I didn't get some help to get off the drugs she and her brother could not be around me anymore. I went to see my doctor, very upset, and she told me I was out of control. I was angry and very much in denial, blamming everyone but myself, but after alot of thought I admitted myself into a treatment center. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but infact the smartest thing. I have been off the drugs for over 7 months. It's not been easy, I had to completely reinvent myself and believe me it's been one step at a time, one day at at time. I went through all the horrible things you go through, withdrawl, anxiety, depression, all of the above, but now I have my family, children and husband back.And that is the greatest reward of them all. I thank God every day that I have them, that they didn't give up on me. I came so close to losing everything dear to me because of this horrible drug. It takes hold of you before you know what is happening. I'm stronger now, and when I hear of all the things I did, and how I behaved it makes me sick to my stomach. All I can do is be grateful. I wonder everyday how I didn't die or why? I still struggle with the pain everyday, but I will tell you it's nothing compared to how I felt using the drugs. I want to give back some of what I received and I believe I survived this horrible nightmare for a reason, I would like to help anyone that I can so if I can do anything you have my email address. May God bless all of you stuggling with this horrible addiction, and know that there is help out there, just take that first step,and I know how hard it is because this is about the 4th time I've attemped to write my story, this too is one of the hardest things I've had to do, because when you read it out loud, what you actually did and what you put everyone through, it truely is an eye opener, so if I can help please contact me. Thanks, Tamra

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

My son Tommy just spoke of his brother, my son Marcos who just passed away due to Oxyconten on March 27, Easter Sunday to be exact. The loss of my son was extremly devastating since I knew he was not addicted to the drug as so many stories I have read in this website. See the way it happened in our story, we had a visitor from out of town come to our home. He was only here for 4 days. He had a chronic back problem,he was in a wheelchair.He really had a bad back problem and he had prescriptions to oxy. He said he hated taking them because he was afraid of getting hooked to them, but he also knew that if he did not refill the prescription at the end of the month, his medicaid would be taken away. My son listened to all this. I don't know why he did it, he was a very bright kid. He dissected everything on the internet, but yet he went into our visitor room, and decided to take 2 pills from his back pack. I don't know why he did it. He was a very smart kid...Now we are all wondering why...why... did Marcos take the drug. Did he really need them due to a back ache from the competition that weekend?Or was he experimenting? We will never know. One thing I do know is he broke a lot of hearts. So many people loved him. He had a great home, many friends and a great future in computers ahead of him. He will be greatly missed for a mistake he never meant...he's six feet under now...cold feet...cold cold feet.....we will miss you Marcos ...we love you forever...Mom
Name:Leisha Dishmon

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

My brother Jimmy Dishmon of Oceana, West Virginia died of OXY/Morphine overdose November 9, 2002. He took pills to avoid the reality of our baby sister's murder the previoius year and the aches of poverty. He was very depressed, I was told he hallucinated a lot and had a lot of leg pain and headaches. He had a party at his home where he snorted Oxys and his wife told me she gave him morphine also for pain. Morphine that she did not know how to mix up. Witnesses have reported that my brother started vomiting and they carried him to bed and left him there. They knew he was bad off but they say my brother refused to go to the hospital. He was found in a pool of blood later on that afternoon. I don't understand where the blood came from, but it was reportedly massive amounts. The problem with people who do drugs is they are more worried about themselves than others. Since my brothers death there were three more right after his in my hometown. People are letting our loved ones just drift into death when there is a possibility to be saved. I don't understand this drug being allowed on the market. People who don't attend to overdoses at parties, in my opinion are guilty of murder right along with the companies that make this drug from hell. I love my big brother so much and now he is gone forever due to that stupid drug. I love you Bubby! More than you Know! Leisha
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.