On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Email:[email protected]

Type:Abuse Story

My life changed drastically the day I decided to snort 20mgs of oxycontin. It was great, every ounce of pain or worry oozed out of my body, leaving me with a perma-grin and an inability to keep my eyes open. It felt awesome. I had heard a few people compare it to heroin, calling it "heroin-in-a-pill". Being the genius that I am, I blew these warnings off telling myself, "how can a medication be nearly as bad as junk?" A couple months went by, and I found myself making that call more and more. Then one day after a small binge, I woke up and called my hook-up. He had run out, and would'nt re-up until the next day. I didn't think anything of it until a few hours later. I started getting real sore, i kept yawning and my eyes were watering. My lower back started aching something fierce. Then it hit me, the only thing that would fix these ailments was a little green 80mg oxy. I was hooked. My life hasn't been the same since. I probably would have graduated cum laude by now if i had just toughed it out that fatefull day. But sure enough, I got some more oxys and fixed that pain real quick. I had taken the turn from experimenting to full blown opiate addiction. I needed oxycontin or any other opiate just to go to class, see my girl (which caused some problems because oxys kind of kill any chance of having an orgasm, or even wanting female contact)In the words of Layne Stanley of Alice in Chains:"Used to be curious, now the shit is sustinence". I stopped getting high shortly thereafter. I got on mathadone treatment, basically to avoid withdrawls if my dealers ran out. I did not stop using. Now it was time to go home to California to stay with my parents for the summer. Since none of my friends from home did this shit, I figured I would just go to the methadone clinic all summer. A week or so after I got home, a pill jar in my parents med. cabinet cought my eye. It turns out that my own father was prescribed to oxycontin (he has had some serious back and knee operations). The thing was, he didn't take them daily, only when he really needed it. So there were 3 full bottles in his room. About 120 pills in each. When I decided to ease off my dad's meds to avoid capture and a bit of guilt, I tried to go back to the meth-clinic to get dosed. I had missed more that 3 days in a row, which apparently means you are S.O.L. So I went home and cleaned my parents house of anything that could keep me good, all the oxys, vicodin, my mothers old codein cough syrup and a bottle of darvocets. I blew through everything before summer was over, and I found myself in a tight spot. I told my parents my problem and mostly because I had no way to get opiates, went through an outpatient program and got clean. They made leave my life in Tucson and come back home. I lost my chance at graduating from Univ. of Arizona, some good friends and the best girlfriend I've had yet all because of oxys. It wasn't long before I began networking the dope scene in Nor-Cal. I found some 20mg oxys and some percocets, but nothing was steady enough for an opiate fiend of my caliber. I had met some dudes who smoked opium and took some pills. Opium did the trick, but I still jonsed for those O.C.'s. One day one of the opium dudes got a chunk of black tar heroin from his mom. We smoked it up like opium. I took a couple hits and got the feeling oxys were no longer able to give me. It was what I had been looking for. Plus, it was way cheaper and abundant. One of the dealers even delivered!!! I got deep pretty quickly. At my peak, I was smoking 3-4g's a day. I went to rehab but got kicked out for using. Now I am on a medication called "Suboxone" or "Buprenorphine w/naloxone". It is the newest drug used for opiate detox and maintanence. In fact, Purdue Pharma, the producer of Oxycontin, is due to release a new form of Oxy, with naloxone in the middle. So if you crush it, you cant get high. Since naloxone is taken sublinguily, when it is swallowed whole the naloxone is simply digested and not really absorbed. Even after I got clean for a couple months, I never felt right. I had chronic back pain and just felt awkward all the time. So I got on subutex maintanence, which I am doing right now, and I'm doing allright. It is a partial agonist, so it fills one type of opiate receptor and blocks another. This means one cannot use opiates while buprenorphine is in the system. So it makes it difficult to relapse on a whim. So if it were shuved in my face I couldn't enjoy it. I would have to wait almost 24 hours before I would feel any effect from heroin. I prefer suboxone over methadone b/c you dont have to drive to a clinic every morning and wait in line with people who still use and want to take you down with them. With suboxone, you fill your script and live like a normal human being. Yes, I am addicted to suboxone now, but it is controlled by a doctor and is safe. I will only be on it for a year or so, just to get some stable time to get my life back in order. So my message to anyone not yet addicted to oxys or any opiate, JUST DONT DO IT! It has done no good in my life, and I have yet to hear any positive aspects of opiate abuse and addiction. Opiates are a wonderfull thing when used properly. But if you abuse them, they will show you their power, and ruin your life. I will have to fight this addiction for the rest of my life, and I wouldn't wish this sickness on anyone, well, most anyone. Anyway, I hope my story can convince at least one person not to take that first taste, and if they already have, know that Oxycontin will take you down. It has killed some but most addicts live in a hell on earth called opiate addiction. When you are totally reliant on a goddamn tiny little pill or bag of dope just to fell "normal". But there are some who don't heed good advice and just have to find out for themselves...the hard way. In that case, enjoy it as long as will get you high, then kiss your life and dreams goodbye. This is just some key points in my journey through opiate addiction, words can't describe my worst moments. Respect to anyone who has kicked this nasty addiction, and good luck to all those still stuck in the insanity. Peace.
Name:Roger Vickers

Email:[email protected]

Type:Chronic Pain Story

I too used this drug to treat the pain from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. I became addicted and went through a complete change of personality and lifestyle. After having both hips replaced (at the same time), I sought a new Doctor who is not a 'pill pusher.' With his help as well as a loving caring wife, I quit cold turkey but used small doses of valium to treat the quivers. I'm now taking 100 Mg daily of MS Contin (morphine) to reduce the pain that is still a part of this dreaded disease. As your Doctor for help and your wife too, or a special friend who cares as well. Then go take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You'll see the 'real you' reapear if your not too hard on yourself. Get a grip and get a life! Regards to all who suffer; I share your grief.


Type:Death Story

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my young brothers death from this drug. He did not know that the choice he made would end his life. Please think about all the people that love you and how they hurt so bad once you are gone. Everyone thinks they are invincible,and it will never happen to them? In Memory of Matthew Naumes November 12, 1981-November 24, 2003 forever 22 years old , Peter Pan never left home... Love you forever my guardian angel, Tamara
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OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.