On about April 19th 2002 SOMEONE hacked into the old guestbooks and DELETED them. What they deleted was over 500 DEATH and ADDICTION stories relating directly to OXYCONTIN. They also deleted over 100 stories from people who are legitimate patients and most of them need oxycontin for their SEVERE PAIN. I apologize to anyone who took the time to share their stories to HELP warn others. Those guestbooks were somehow a comfort to all who have been affected by this ABUSE epidemic. Please if you are looking for your story then REPOST it. I'm sad to say but by the amount of email I am receiving these guestbook's will rapidly rebuild their SAD tales BUT people need to be warned as to the power of this drug and the deadly consequences when ABUSED.
Please read the other stories and add yours to our guestbook...
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Name:Martha Kessler

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

My husband's name was Michael A. Kessler, he died March 20, 2004. We were married for 13 years and have 2 children. In 1996 he got hurt at work and had to have neck surgery. That was when Oxycontin came into our lives. In 1997 he hurt his neck again and had surgery. All along the doctor had him on Oxycontin, which lasted for 5 years. In 2002, he finally got off the Oxy's and was like a new man, our life had been given back to us. We began to enjoy life again in a way that was lost to us for such a long time. Then it happened again, in November 2003 he fell and landed flat on his face and hurt his neck again, this time more severe than both times before. He had surgery March 15, 2004, but in the months leading up to that, he was on all kinds of meds (no Oxy's) Morphine, Muscle Relaxers, valium, etc. None worked. Right after surgery the first thing the doctor did was put him back on Oxycontin because he still had pain. I was so shocked that the doctor had put him back on Oxy's after all the pain and suffering we all went through to get him off of them. Five days after surgery and being on Oxycontin, Oxyir for break through pain, Muscle Relaxers and more valium, he thought it would be ok for him to go out and have a few drinks and try to feel normal. I argued with him to not risk his health, but he wouldn't listen, he just wanted to feel normal. As the evening wore on we had gotten in an argument and he left me and I had to walk home. When I got home, I found my husband in our bedroom, he had shot himself in the head, he was 39 years old. My life and our familys lives have been devostated and shattered by this loss. I was starting to plan my husbands 40 Birthday party for June and instead I had to plan his funeral. April 14, 2004 was our 14th anniversary and the most difficult day I've had to live so far. The man I love and was suppose to spend the rest of my life with is gone...all because of Oxycontin and Alcohol. I hope this story will help someone and prevent what happpened to my husband from happening to them. Mike, my love, I will miss you and love you forever.

Email:[email protected]

Type:General Comment

I have been checking this web site out since it's original creation. I have posted several times. I am a recovering addict of O.C's. I have also lost 17 friends to O.C's since Eliot Matos passed in 9/01. We just added another child to that list two days ago. I feel like I am surrounded by death and black clouds. I thought by stoping using I would be so much happier, but it isn't. Every day I struggle with this, I don't want to end up like those kids at all. I love my life, I have so much going for me, a great career, a wonderful loving family and I never want to use again. Recovery was so hard, I kept relapsing. But now I am on the Suboxene, since someone in here recomended it. Unfortunately, I buy it off the kids who don't use it and who sell it in the street, since the doctors barely prescribe it up here, and I don't have health insurance. I was wondering, is it illegal to buy perscription pills off line? It sounds like it is? I am going to be needing more of this suboxene, and I don't know where to turn? I don't want to relapse. I've been on it for 2 weeks. Can anyone offer suggestions? Thank you.

Email:[email protected]

Type:Death Story

In memory of Daniel Hornsby, whose life was taken exactly two years ago today on a Sunday, by Oxycontin. Please help STOP the Oxycontin killings. If you are a user of or addicted to Oxycontin, please get help before it kills you too! Daniel Hornsby 09/03/75 to 04/14/02, I will always love you and will never, ever forget you. Hollie
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What they are saying about Oxycontin
OxyContin is a leading treatment for chronic pain, but official fear it may succeed crack cocaine on the street ...
Time Magazine

It is highly addictive when abused...
Internet Health-Care

Edward Barbieri, a toxicologist at National Medical Services in Willow
Grove, said anyone can die from it if they chew it or crush it and then take it.